A Dwindling Role for Coal

Published Oct 10, 2017 Updated Oct 20, 2017


There’s a historic transition underway in the US electricity sector, as coal power gives way to newer, cleaner technologies.


美国煤炭发电的比例从2008年的51%下降到2016年的31%,这是前所未有的变化. New UCS analysis finds that, of the coal units that remain, roughly one in four plans to retire or convert to natural gas; another 17 percent are uneconomic and could face retirement soon.

The closure of a coal plant raises complex issues. While hugely beneficial to public health, 关闭工厂也引发了对周边社区就业和当地税基的担忧. 我们的 community snapshots 记录这些和其他挑战,强调公平和深思熟虑的过渡的必要性.

然后对. 现在

Between 2008 and 2016, 17 percent of US coal capacity retired. Another 4 percent converted to other fuels, mostly natural gas.

These closures led to:

  • 80 percent less sulfur dioxide, a source of acid rain,
  • 64 percent less nitrogen oxide, a key component in smog,
  • 34 percent less carbon dioxide, a heat-trapping gas.

Unfortunately, 在此期间,天然气发电的增加在一定程度上破坏了减排, particularly carbon dioxide.

居住在运营中的燃煤电厂附近(3英里范围内)的人数直线下降, from around 8.5 million in 2008 to 3.3 million in 2016.

市场力量一直是这一转变背后的主要推动力,尤其是廉价的天然气. The falling cost of renewable energy has also played a role: recent cost comparisons 显示新的风能和太阳能现在比新的化石燃料发电厂更便宜,即使没有补贴.

Looking ahead

The transition away from coal will almost certainly continue. 公用事业公司已经计划淘汰全国13%的煤炭发电能力. 另外5%将退役或转换为天然气.

Beyond those already slated for retirement or conversion, a further 20 percent 2016年,与现有的天然气相比,煤炭发电能力不经济. 这相当于2016年底运行的煤炭机组的17%.

我们在南方清洁能源联盟的同事们认为 wind and solar 对于东南部那些不经济的燃煤电厂来说,是一个可行的替代方案吗.

我们的分析还发现,有相当数量的单位处于竞争性和非竞争性之间. 即使它们的成本稍有增加,或者与之竞争的技术成本稍有下降,都可能使它们变得不经济.

On the ground

What happens when a coal plant closes? The answer, invariably, is “it depends.” 我们的 case studies, available above and in fullscreen, 说明社区从煤炭转型时出现的不同困难和机遇.

As more coal plants close, 投资于这些和其他受影响社区的重要性只会越来越大. 政策制定者应优先考虑经济发展和就业转移援助, 此外还有可再生能源和能源效率方面的其他投资.

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Dr. Jeremy Richardson, senior energy analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists, discusses the report, 在他的家乡西弗吉尼亚州,他与一些创新者谈论了他们是如何从煤炭转型的, 并传递了环境正义倡导者为改善社区公共卫生而奋斗的经验.

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